New Generation PlayStation Portable : PSVita
PlayStation game made by Sony, which has produced up to this third generation, will reportedly possessed the new variant. After so long, finally Sony officially announced the newest generation of the PlayStation Portable (PSP), PlayStation Vita, at E3 2011 event.
PlayStation Vita has a significant difference compared with previous versions, with the specification of two analog sticks, 6-axis motion sensor, has two cameras in front and behind, and has a touch screen type OLED (960 x 544 pixels). Unlike previous versions of the PlayStation Portable using only Wi-Fi, the Vita Sony launches the PlayStation 2 version. PlayStation Vita with Wi-Fi version and PlayStation version of the Vita with Wi-Fi and 3G. Sony took the AT & T to expand markets and increase sales.
Reportedly the latest generation of PSP will be launched on October 28, 2011. Although the official has not been around, but in the United States this game console is rumored to have offered online with a price tag of $ 249.99 or about USD 2.1 million-an for PS Vita WiFi Edition. PS While the rumored 3G Vita took the operator AT & T will be offered for $ 299.99 or about USD 2.5 million.